IPDET Offers Workshop on Gender-Responsive Evaluation

IPDET workshop on Gender Responsive Evaluation:
As part of its annual in-person evaluation training program in Bern, Switzerland, over the past few years, IPDET has offered a workshop on “Gender-Responsive Evaluation: Enhancing Empowerment and Sustainable Development” conducted by Dr. Marianne Meier, University of Bern. High student enrollment rates indicate interest in this important topic.
“[It was] so exciting to have participated and enhanced my knowledge and skills in gender-responsive evaluation and evaluation of environment and development at IPDET. Lots of knowledge and takeaways to process and apply in my professional life.” – Alexandra Yánez Casalombo, Public Policy Evaluation Officer, Secretaria Nacional de Planificación, Ecuador
“Big thanks to the trainers. They've managed to demystify the terms of gender responsive evaluation and introduce me to the alchemy of M&E systems in organizations.” – Edita Bednarova, BEED Ltd., Slovak Republic
Learn a little about the training:
Does gender-responsive evaluation only apply to female or gender-specific programmes? No, gender-responsive evaluations assess the degree to which gender and power relationships may change as a result of an intervention. The evaluation uses a process that is inclusive, participatory, and respectful of all stakeholders. The process includes special attention to structural and systemic causes that give rise to inequities, discrimination, and unequal power relations.
What elements do gender-responsive evaluations examine (content/results)? How are gender-responsive evaluations being conducted (process/methods)? To answer these questions, concepts linked to gender, diversity, intersectionality, and empowerment are presented as a theoretical framework. Practical examples illustrate the relevance of gender and other categories in evaluation within development cooperation. The workshop stresses characteristics of gender-responsive evaluation linked to an inclusive and participatory approach in theory and practice. Moreover, it addresses the purpose of gender-responsive evaluations and the peculiarities of different stakeholders.
IPDET will continue to include gender-related topics in its program. For the 2023 IPDET training season, the onsite workshop on “Evaluation for Social Justice” by Silvia Salinas will also touch on gender-based power relations and how evaluation can contribute to transformation.