IPDET Launches New Scholarship Opportunities for its 2024 Evaluation Training Program

The International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET) has introduced two new scholarship options for its annual evaluation training program. The 2024 program will take place July 15 to 26 at the University of Bern in Switzerland.
The first scholarship option is especially designed for entry-level evaluation professionals from developing countries. It offers a comprehensive two-week program covering basic courses and workshops on monitoring and evaluation (M&E). Experienced evaluators can apply for the second scholarship option, which offers a one-week program with more advanced courses and specialized workshops.
IPDET is an executive training program that aims to provide decision-makers, managers, and development practitioners with the tools and skills they need to commission, manage, and implement evaluations and use those evaluations for decision-making. An implementing partner of the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI), IPDET provides a diversified training program that caters to audiences from different organizations and sectors.
The new scholarships respond to the diverse training needs of the evaluation community, in line with GEI’s commitment to equip government leaders, evaluators, and M&E stakeholders with the necessary skills, tools, and knowledge to understand the role of M&E in decision-making. Both new scholarships are supported by GEI funding partners.
Last year, IPDET’s summer training program drew the participation of 171 professionals from 63 countries. This year’s program promises to be another dynamic training opportunity for a more diverse audience. To encourage more peer learning, IPDET is offering agencies and organizations a 5% discount if they sponsor five or more participants.
Applications to IPDET’s 2024 training program are open until June 7. For more information on the program curriculum and scholarship requirements, visit IPDET’s website.