GEI's Work in Focus on American Evaluation Association "A Tip-a-Day by Evaluators" Blog Series

GEI is proud to be part of the American Evaluation Association’s (AEA) “Tip-a-Day” blog series. Every day this week, a blog written by one of GEI’s implementing partners will be released on the AEA website. Learn about the important work that GEI partners are doing to support the development of robust monitoring and evaluation systems and increase the use of evidence in public sector decision-making. Visit the AEA blog page every day to access the blogs:
Lessons Learned in Using GEI’s “Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Analysis” (MESA) Tool, by Heather Bryant Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI)
Lessons Learned from Coordinating gLOCAL Evaluation Week, a Global Knowledge-Sharing Event, by Patrizia Cocca Knowledge Management and Communications Lead, Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI)
Lessons Learned from Mapping Evaluation Systems in Brazilian Subnational Governments, by Lycia Lima (Deputy Director), Gabriela Lacerda (Executive Manager) and Lorena Figueiredo (Researcher) Center for Learning on Evaluation and Results for Lusophone Africa and Brazil (CLEAR LAB)
Working with Finance Ministries to Strengthen National M&E Systems, by Gonzalo Hernández Licona Evaluation Advisor, Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI)
The Process to Strengthen National Evaluation Systems MUST be Country-Owned and Country-Led, by Taku Chirau Deputy Director, Centre for Learning on Evaluation and Results for Anglophone Africa (CLEAR AA)
Lessons Learned from Launching an Online M&E Boot Camp, by Faizan Rashid Sr. Associate, Center for Economic Research in Pakistan (CERP)
Strengthening Administrative Data Systems for Evidence-Based Policymaking in India, by Megha Pradhan Director, Center for Learning on Evaluation and Results – South Asia (CLEAR SA)