CLEAR-FA Launches Training Workshop on Evaluating Policies and Programs for Children, Adolescents and Youth

Young people make up the majority, approximately 70%, of Africa's population. It is widely acknowledged that their transition to adulthood is a pivotal moment in shaping the attitudes, values, and behaviors that will significantly impact society in the long run. In response, substantial investments have been directed toward policies and programs for children, adolescents, and youth (CAY) to ensure the protection of their rights, aid them in navigating life's challenges, and enhance their overall well-being. These efforts align with both the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the African Union's Agenda 2063.
Despite the substantial investments in CAY-focused policies and programs, there is often a lack of evaluation of these policies/programs. Critical questions persist regarding the effectiveness of investments and which techniques are best for assessing change in the lives of young people. There is also a lack understanding of how to appropriately assess change in the adults and institutions that support CAYs. Evaluation is crucial for providing evidence and facilitating improvements in policies and programs. Consequently, there is a widespread recognition of the need to strengthen evaluation systems and practices that are sensitive to CAYs, along with enhancing the capacities of key stakeholders.
The Center for Learning on Evaluation and Results for Francophone Africa (CLEAR-FA), an Implementing Partner of the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI), recently launched the inaugural edition of a training seminar titled "Evaluation of Policies and Programs Sensitive to Children, Adolescents, and Youth" in November 2023, in Dakar, Senegal. This seminar targets representatives of organizations, evaluation professionals, and others involved in enhancing the well-being and respecting the rights of children and young people. The concept for the seminar was developed in 2022 by CLEAR-FA in collaboration with various national and international experts, including development practitioners and academics. In partnership with UNICEF WCARO, the seminar underwent peer testing in March 2023, leading to content updates, including the incorporation of case studies.
This innovative training provides a conceptual overview of issues spanning different evaluation stages, from design to implementation and results sharing. It includes numerous opportunities for peer exchange and analysis, drawing on experiences, and practicing methods tailored to CAYs to enrich the evaluation toolbox. The training also encourages participants to adapt an evaluator mindset to better understand how CAYs think, feel, analyze their situations, and act, thereby eliciting more meaningful reflections from young people on specific issues. Important cross-cutting themes are revisited and reinforced throughout the workshop, including the meaningful engagement of CAYs, the involvement of adult evaluators in the youth space, and ways to integrate the complexity and ethics of working with CAYs and the community in different evaluation contexts. For further information, please get in touch with ; cc/