GEI works closely with developing country governments that seek to improve the monitoring, evaluation, and the use of evidence in their countries. Applying our integrated systems-based approach, we provide diagnostic, technical, and other advisory support services to help governments at every step on this journey. From helping governments define needs, goals, and opportunities, to suggesting solutions tailored to the local context, to supporting implementation, as requested.
What We Do
There is significant interest and demand from countries for strengthening the capacity of their national monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems to enhance the effectiveness of their policy interventions, improve resilience to shocks, and achieve progress towards national development goals. Robust national M&E systems require a supportive legal and regulatory environment; capacities to generate useful evaluations; positive attitudes around the role of M&E in public policy; and, effective mechanisms to promote the use of evidence in decision making, among others.
Responding to this demand, GEI partners provide diagnostic, technical, and other advisory support services to help monitoring, evaluation and evidence use flourish in over 40 developing countries, with deeper engagement in 24 priority countries. GEI supports country governments in strengthening their M&E capacities at three levels: (i) the enabling environment, (ii) organizational capacity, and (iii) individual capacity. GEI also provides targeted support that allows countries to get M&E functions up and running in a sustainable and context specific way.
GEI’s work with countries typically follows these steps:
- Diagnostics: GEI conducts diagnostics to identify the strengths of the existing national M&E system and opportunities to improve the system. GEI partners utilize the Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Analysis (MESA) Tool as an entry-point for this engagement.
- Capacity Development Strategy: Building on the diagnostic, GEI supports government partners in preparing an evaluation capacity development strategy, taking into consideration their needs and goals and tailoring approaches to local perspectives.
- Strategy Implementation: If requested, GEI supports implementation of the strategy, for example through technical advisory services, support with improving policies, development of guidelines, tools and trainings, support with piloting evaluations, and other assistance, as required.
How We Do It
GEI’s systems-based strategic approach is implemented in priority countries primarily by the CLEAR Center Network, which consists of six regional Centers and two affiliate Centers in Asia, America, and Africa. CLEAR Center partners are committed to cultivating authentic relationships with government counterparts - often nurturing those relationships over time and through political changes. Facilitating a sustainable rapport takes time and effort but is crucial for providing adequate analysis and feedback. Many CLEAR Centers have long-standing, established relationships in GEI priority countries - while others are being established anew, bolstered by years of experience developing such relationships with leaders and decision-makers.
In addition to the CLEAR Centers, the GEI Network includes bilateral and multilateral organizations, evaluation capacity service providers, civil society organizations, academic institutions, associations, and monitoring and evaluation experts who contribute lessons learned, informing GEI country-level strategies and helping to adapt global best practices to local contexts.
In countries and regions where multiple partners operate, the GEI Global Team facilitates information sharing and/or collaboration to avoid duplication of efforts and encourage efficiencies in reaching shared goals.
The MESA Tool
For countries to strengthen their country M&E systems, it is important for decision-makers to have information on what is working well and what needs to be improved. The Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Analysis Tool (MESA) is a diagnostic tool that enables country governments to assess the current capacity of their national M&E systems, identify gaps, and inform capacity-development strategies to strengthen these systems. The MESA is comprehensive – looking at the economic, political, and social environment (including attitudes and behaviors around M&E) - but can be adapted to local contexts, needs and interests. A MESA is not an end in itself, but rather a means to gather, structure, and analyze information to inform and shape improvements to a country’s M&E systems. While there are many ways to carry out a diagnostic of an M&E system, the GEI MESA adopts a mixed-method approach, using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. This includes an exploration of the multiple dimensions of national M&E systems, facilitates the analysis of these systems through basic and in-depth questions, and provides an understanding of the national M&E capacities. The tool also draws on the experience of GEI partners and wide-ranging consultations. It is designed for a range of users who want to improve monitoring, evaluation and evidence use - such as governments, M&E practitioners, and policymakers.