Solomon Islands Moves Forward with MESA Diagnostic Study

Last year, the Solomon Islands reached out to GEI for support on strengthening their national M&E systems. The GEI Global Team began working with the Ministry of National Planning and Development Coordination (MNPDC) of the Solomon Islands to support the implementation of a Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Analysis (MESA) diagnostic process to identify capacity development priorities around M&E and evidence use. The GEI provided funding for an international team leader and two experts from the Solomon Islands to work with the government to conduct the MESA, all with a view to developing an M&E capacity development strategy.
A high-level advisory committee has been set up to guide the process at the strategic level with the MNPDC coordinating the MESA work. Prior to implementing the MESA, it is essential for consultations to be conducted with relevant stakeholders. Consequently, MNPDC is in the process of consulting with other ministries to get their views, experiences and knowledge to inform and shape how the MESA study will be carried out.
In July, MNPDC met with the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) to get their input on how to move forward with the MESA.
Gabriel Manetiva, Principal M&E officer, MRD, said, “I believe this diagnostic study is a step in the right direction towards improving and strengthening the government (SIG) M&E system. Having a national M&E framework is crucial to guarantee all relevant ministries and stakeholders are linked together and collaborate to ensure there is effective monitoring and evaluation processes are realized to improve development outcomes and progress in implementing and reporting of the National Development Strategy 2016-2035 (NDS) by contributing to the global United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”
Mr. Manetiva said the consultation juncture was a great opportunity as it enabled them to express their views, experiences, knowledge and challenges faced in the M&E field and practice. Read more about the July consultative meeting.