GEI’s BetterEvaluation Launches Revamped Platform
Earlier this year, BetterEvaluation became the knowledge platform of the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI). Now, we are happy to reveal the launch of a major upgrade to the platform.
The BetterEvaluation knowledge platform has been updated to provide a better user experience with:
- Easier site navigation
- Quicker sign-up
- Greater support for engagement and collaboration
This upgrade is the first phase in a series of planned enhancements to to help GEI support better evaluation practice and the strengthening of monitoring and evaluation ecosystems around the world, while creating opportunities for new and diverse voices to enter the discussion.
BetterEvaluation and GEI are committed to making sure that evaluation knowledge is easily accessible and free of charge to all who can benefit from it. BetterEvaluation is an important part of GEI’s efforts to facilitate knowledge transfer across geographic and cultural boundaries, with special focus on South-South exchange and on adaptation of global best practices to local contexts.
Being housed within the GEI brings new opportunities to enhance and expand the BetterEvaluation knowledge platform to reach more users and offer new areas of support, including the upcoming Global Directory of Academic Programs in Evaluation and the Directory of GEI Professional Development Activities, both launching in January 2023.
The world is faced with numerous crises and challenges related to the environment, climate change, equity, and the increasing complexity and uncertainty of today’s world. BetterEvaluation, in its new home at GEI, will continue to work with the global evaluation community to build the knowledge that will help the evaluation community meet the challenges of today and tomorrow.