CLEAR-SA Develops Curriculum on Measuring Gender Outcomes

Is it possible to evaluate social norms? How can empowerment be measured? Can we quantify agency?
In response to increased interest in designing and evaluating programs that focus on gender outcomes, the Center for Learning on Evaluation and Results for South Asia (CLEAR-SA), in partnership with the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab for South Asia (JPAL South Asia), developed a curriculum to provide rigorous training on the measurement of gender outcomes, such as gender norms, agency, attitudes, empowerment, and behaviors, for impact evaluations. The curriculum was designed to equip learners with practical tools and best practices used by J-PAL affiliates in their research in the gender sector.
In October 2022, CLEAR-SA/J-PAL South Asia delivered this curriculum to policymakers and practitioners at NITI Aayog, the Government of India’s apex public policy think tank as part of an 11-part lecture and case study series on impact evaluation methods. This course was a part of CLEAR-SA’s long-term partnership with India's Development Monitoring and Evaluation Office (DMEO), to support country-led and country-owned efforts to improve monitoring, evaluation, and evidence use. DMEO is an attached office of NITI Aayog, mandated to build the M&E ecosystem in India.
CLEAR-SA also conducted a week-long workshop on “Applying a Gender Lens to Program Evaluation” in February 2021. This course began with introducing the participants to the foundations of impact evaluations and moved into tools and techniques to objectively measure outcomes that are seemingly abstract through interactive case study and group work sessions.
For more information on these trainings, you can reach out to Sohini Mookherjee, CLEAR-SA, at
Image credit: BIR ROY BARMAN |