2021 Asian Evaluation Week (AEW) - Transformational Evaluation: Moving from Uncertainties to Resilience

The 2021 Asian Evaluation Week (AEW) with the theme - Transformational Evaluation: Moving from Uncertainties to Resilience was virtually held on 6-10 September 2021. Hosted by the Independent Evaluation Department (IED), Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Asia-Pacific Finance and Development Institute (AFDI), Ministry of Finance (MOF) People’s Republic of China (PRC), the sixth edition of the AEW had 20 regular sessions and 4 Learning Day sessions which were organized by 16 leading development organizations.
At the Opening Session, Sonia Chand Sandhu, Principal Evaluation Specialist, IED, ADB welcomed the 2021 AEW participants. Vice Minister Zhu Zhongming, MOF, PRC, and Vice- President Bambang Susantono, Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development, ADB spoke on the value of evaluation to development. Dr. Li Kouqing, AFDI, moderated the Opening Session. During the Closing Session, a panel composed of Dugan Fraser, Program Manager, Global Evaluation Initiative, Patricia Rogers, CEO, BetterEvaluation, Gabriela Rentería Flores, Chair of EvalYouth Global Network, Director General Marvin Taylor-Dormond, IED, ADB and Dr. Li Kouqing, AFDI shared their thoughts on the direction that evaluation can take for addressing uncertainties. Sonia Chand Sandhu, IED, ADB moderated the Closing Session.
Ninety-five session speakers and panelists shared their experiences, lessons, and insights on a range of topics under the subthemes on the Performance-based Budgeting and Management, the New Normal, Collaborating for Solutions, and Evaluation Learning. At least 800 participants representing 130 organizations joined in from countries in Africa, Americas including Latin America and the Carribeans, Asia-Pacific including Australia and Oceana, Europe, and the Middle East. View the 2021 AEW Highlights at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7xmBSaTpZA.