The Working Group on Training and Professional Development, which includes both GEI Implementing and Associate Partners, meets quarterly to discuss highlights, lessons, and strategic issues emanating from training and professional development experiences across the GEI Network.
Please find below the complete list of past meetings with the respective proceedings (click on the titles to download the files).
List of past meetings
- Purpose of the Working Group
- The strength of the GEI network’s TPD work
- M&E training and professional development – trends and challenges
- The vision of our work together
Lightning Talks:
- École nationale d'administration publique (ENAP): Lessons from online teaching – Recent experiences with the TAQYEEM and PIFED programs
- International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET): “Better Policy Making through Evaluations” – IPDET-APEA-Global Parliamentarians Forum for Evaluation
- CLEAR – Francophone Africa (FA): Development and launch of the Master in Evaluation of Policies, Projects and Programs (ME3P): Lessons Learned
- CLEAR – South Asia (SA): Strengthening the Researcher Network in India
Task Team Updates:
- GEI Internship Program
- Academic Training in Evaluation
- Institutionalization of M&E
- M&E Training of Trainers Program for Lusophone Africa
Lightning Talks:
- CLEAR – Anglophone Africa (AA): Lessons Learnt in delivering capacity building interventions in Anglophone Africa countries
- Asian Development Bank – Independent Evaluation Department (ABD – IED): Evaluation Capacity Development – Why, How, and What Do We L earn? Using Evaluation Knowledge for Development Effectiveness
- CLEAR – Lusophone Africa and Brazil (LAB): Mentoring Sessions On Evaluation For Policy makers
- GEI Strategy on Training & Professional Development: some initial ideas
Lightning Talks:
- Islamic Development Bank – Independent Evaluation Department (IsDB – IEvD): Introduction to IEvD, Stakeholder Engagement, Launch of Arabic OECD Criteria, Collaboration with GEI in MENA Region, Arabic Glossary of Key Evaluation Terms
- Geo-Enabling initiative for Monitoring & Supervision (GEMS): Building Capacity among Clients and Local Stakeholders
- Center for Economic Research in Pakistan (CERP): Audience Based Training Strategy
Task Team Updates:
- Hands-on Learning Initiative
- Institutionalization of M&E
- Global Training of Trainers Initiative
- Academic Training in Evaluation
Lightning Talks:
- German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval): Evaluation Management Online course
- World Food Programme (WFP): WFP Evaluation Capacity Development
- Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in humanitarian action (ALNAP): What have we learned about evaluation training, during COVID?
- Strengthening Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEE): GEI Strategy
- Data Science in Evaluations by Virginia Ziulu, Data Scientist, Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), World Bank
Lightning Talks:
- Inter-American Development Bank – Office of Evaluation and Oversight (IADB – OVE): Creating a Common M&E Language in LAC: OVE’s ECD Experience
- Global Environment Facility – Independent Evaluation Office (GEF – IEO): Training and Professional Development for Environmental Evaluation
- EvalYouth: Youth in Evaluation Week
- International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET): “Better Policy Making through Evaluations” (Part II)
Updates from Collaborative Work:
- Hands-on Learning Initiative
- GEI Global Directories
Lightning Talks:
- International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie): Change the Rules of the Game… with the Policy & Institutional Reform (PIR) Methods Menu
- CLEAR – Anglophone Africa (AA): Key Lessons from Provision of Technical Assistance in Country-led Evaluations
- Exploring the Potential of Generative Models for Evaluative Tasks: IEG Experiments by Dr. Estelle Raimondo
Lightning Talks:
- CLEAR – Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC): Expanding Partnerships through Training: A Platform to Systemic Change?
- Asia Pacific Evaluation Association (APEA): Role of academic sector in professionalization of evaluation: The case of Sri Lanka
- Inter-American Development Bank – Office of Evaluation and Oversight (IADB – OVE): EVALAC
- Generative AI and MERL (monitoring, evaluation, research and learning) by Linda Raftree