With Science We Can: Collaborative Accountability towards SDGs, through Evaluating Research for Development

Seminar | Hybrid

About the Event

The UN Secretary-General stated in 2023 “Scientific and technological progress can support efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals”. In 2023, CGIAR launched the Evaluation Guidelines on evaluating Quality of Research for development'; and a brand new EvalSDG Insight #18: Evaluating Quality of Science towards achievement of Sustainable Development Goals" available at https://iaes.cgiar.org/evaluation/events/glocal-science-we-can-collaborative-accountability-towards-sdgs-through

CGIAR's Independent Advisory and Evaluation Service (IAES) has been conducting a cluster evaluation of the 3 Science Groups to promote learning, support evidence-based decision-making, and provide accountability on the effectiveness and efficiency of CGIAR's research portfolio.
This seminar will present the EvalSDG and showcase application of CGIAR approach to evaluating three science groups. The seminar will allow to share operational and thematic insights on the collaborative and participatory evaluations, presenting key methodologies employed, and values of thematic case studies by subject-matter experts in climate change, seed breeding, food security, etc. The session will also explore the evaluation's forward-looking aspect, demonstrating how real-time insights have fed into revision of the CGIAR's research portfolio 2030.

REWATCH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bzph7MMVpkg


Name Title Biography
Svetlana Negroustouvea Lead, Independent Evaluation, CGIAR Svetlana Negroustoueva is an Evaluation Function lead at CGIAR, where she leads work on evaluating Quality of Science. She has worked for 20+ years at MEL across the African Development Bank, the Climate Investment Funds and the Global Environmental Facility; and USAID-funded projects.
Natascia Palmieri Evaluation Team Lead, Independent Natascia Palmieri is an anthropologist with 25 years of experience in the field of development cooperation and M&E. Her evaluation work have been with the FAO, the European Commission, the French Agency of International Cooperation (AFD), the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and several NGOs.
Ibtissem Jouini Senior Evaluation Manager, CGIAR Ibtissem Jouini is a senior evaluation manager at the evaluation function of CGIAR, co-managing SG evaluations; previously with extensive experience in M&E and program management in FAO and NGOs, and assignment with AFDB. Ibtissem actively participates in evaluation associations.
Krishna Belbase Evaluation Advisor Krishna Belbase is an International Development and Evaluation Advisor with over 30 years of experience in development and humanitarian policy, programming, and evaluation. His expertise spans food and nutrition security and social protection within the context of the SDGs. He has held senior roles at UNICEF and continues to contribute as an independent advisor and consultant

Topics and Themes

Evaluators Evaluation Comissioners Academics Students Climate Change Environment Evaluation and transformational change: balancing ambition and realism International Cooperation M&E for non traditional audiences

Event Details
