Acting for sustainability of capacity building measures in the field of evaluation. Measuring the evaluation culture in Romania – a well-designed exercise that needs follow-up actions
Roundtable | Hybrid
Organized by:
QURES Quality Research and Support
About the Event
Through this roundtable we aim to bring into the attention of the main evaluation commissioners in Romania the importance of continuing to build up the evaluation culture, by capitalizing on previously developed capacity building instruments and exercises. Thus, the objective of the event is to initiate discussions among and collect perspectives from key evaluation stakeholders on the importance of continuing the activities of the Romanian Evaluation Network, established through a technical assistance project supporting the evaluation capacity in Romania, co-financed through ERDF through the Technical Assistance Operational Program 2014-2020.
The participation will cover:
- representatives of the Central Unit of Evaluation, from the Ministry of European Investments and Projects, which is responsible for the management of the evaluations conducted at the level of the Partnership Agreement, signed between Romania and the European Commission;
- representatives of the Evaluation Units established within the Managing Authorities of the Operational Programmes in Romania, financed through ESIF, which are responsible for the management of the evaluations conducted at the level of operational programmes;
- representatives of the General Secretariat of the Government of Romania, responsible for developing an integrated mechanism for coordinating the process of planning and drafting public policies and strengthening the Government's institutional capacity for policy formulation and strategic planning;
- representatives of international organizations being active members within the demand side of evaluation in Romania, such as UNICEF Romania.
The discussions will start from the conclusions of the project Examination of the evaluation culture, which aimed to develop and apply a measuring system for the evaluation culture in Romania, using a longitudinal approach by conducting annual assessments. The study is a comprehensive, thorough and complex analysis of the evaluation culture and capacity in Romania, build upon the Evaluation Culture Measurement Index Framework, which has also been developed under the framework of this project. 3 analyses were conducted in the period 2012 – 2024 and the reports were uploaded in the “Resources” section of the roundtable presentation.
While this project brought added value to the overall evaluation system, highlighting its strengths, but also weaknesses and constituting an evidence-base for further capacity building initiatives in the field of evaluation, no follow-up projects have been conducted since the 3rd measurement published in 2014. Thus, through this roundtable we intend to seek for ideas, initiatives in regards with the replication of the study and develop a preliminary action plan for capitalizing on the added value of the index. We aim to include this activity as a permanent subject on the agenda of the Romanian Evaluation Network.
Ensuring sustainability of the capacity building activities in the evaluation field, for both sides, demand and supply, is key for generating an actual impact, more specifically, increasing the quality and usefulness of the evaluation of public policies and programmes. Taking into consideration the context in which the roundtable will be organized, as part of the Romanian Evaluation Network activities, and the specific of the participants, key evaluation commissioners in Romania, the focal point of the discussions will be on how can the network better foster the evaluation capacity buildings and culture development in Romania. Moreover, as part of this aim, we intend to collect perspectives on how can the network better address the needs and expectations of the evaluation commissioners and key evaluation users, in terms quality and role of the evaluation within the policy making process.
The participation will cover:
- representatives of the Central Unit of Evaluation, from the Ministry of European Investments and Projects, which is responsible for the management of the evaluations conducted at the level of the Partnership Agreement, signed between Romania and the European Commission;
- representatives of the Evaluation Units established within the Managing Authorities of the Operational Programmes in Romania, financed through ESIF, which are responsible for the management of the evaluations conducted at the level of operational programmes;
- representatives of the General Secretariat of the Government of Romania, responsible for developing an integrated mechanism for coordinating the process of planning and drafting public policies and strengthening the Government's institutional capacity for policy formulation and strategic planning;
- representatives of international organizations being active members within the demand side of evaluation in Romania, such as UNICEF Romania.
The discussions will start from the conclusions of the project Examination of the evaluation culture, which aimed to develop and apply a measuring system for the evaluation culture in Romania, using a longitudinal approach by conducting annual assessments. The study is a comprehensive, thorough and complex analysis of the evaluation culture and capacity in Romania, build upon the Evaluation Culture Measurement Index Framework, which has also been developed under the framework of this project. 3 analyses were conducted in the period 2012 – 2024 and the reports were uploaded in the “Resources” section of the roundtable presentation.
While this project brought added value to the overall evaluation system, highlighting its strengths, but also weaknesses and constituting an evidence-base for further capacity building initiatives in the field of evaluation, no follow-up projects have been conducted since the 3rd measurement published in 2014. Thus, through this roundtable we intend to seek for ideas, initiatives in regards with the replication of the study and develop a preliminary action plan for capitalizing on the added value of the index. We aim to include this activity as a permanent subject on the agenda of the Romanian Evaluation Network.
Ensuring sustainability of the capacity building activities in the evaluation field, for both sides, demand and supply, is key for generating an actual impact, more specifically, increasing the quality and usefulness of the evaluation of public policies and programmes. Taking into consideration the context in which the roundtable will be organized, as part of the Romanian Evaluation Network activities, and the specific of the participants, key evaluation commissioners in Romania, the focal point of the discussions will be on how can the network better foster the evaluation capacity buildings and culture development in Romania. Moreover, as part of this aim, we intend to collect perspectives on how can the network better address the needs and expectations of the evaluation commissioners and key evaluation users, in terms quality and role of the evaluation within the policy making process.
Name | Title | Biography |
Claudia Măgdălina | PhD, Head of the Central Evaluation Unit, within the Ministry of European Investments and Projects, Romania | Ms. Claudia Măgdălina has a vast experience in public administration, of over 18 years, and in particular in managing the evaluation process of public interventions financed through the European Union Cohesion Policy. She is the Head of the Central Evaluation Unit, within the Ministry of European Investments and Projects, Romania, which is responsible with the evaluations commissioned at the level of the Partnership Agreement. |
Eduard Petrescu | Programme Specialist at UNICEF | Eduard Petrescu has been working with UNICEF Romania since January 2013. His areas of expertise are: institutional development, strategic planning, project management, project monitoring & evaluation, communication for development, corporate social responsibility. Over 26 years of experience of working in the area of development with significant results in social services and health interventions. He served as Director of the United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS and also as Director of two major Romanian Foundations: The Ecologist Youth of Romania and Princess Margarita of Romania Foundation. |
Anca Lupu | Head of Service, Policy Coordination and Project Implementation Directorate | Anca Lupu has been working within the General Secretariat of the Government from Romania since 2017. Currently, she is the Head of the Policy Coordination and Project Implementation Directorate, which has the following attributions: - Inter-institutional coordination of government strategies (including the evaluation of the level of correlation between the elaborated strategies, with the priorities of the Prime Minister and with the strategic documents assumed by Romania); - Development of institutional strategic plans; - Public policy coordination; - Coordination of the process of preliminary assessment of the impact of regulations. |
Mioara Mărîi | Counselor, Evaluation Office within the Coordination and Evaluation Service General Directorate of Rural Development - Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development | Mioara Mărîi is Counselor within the Evaluation Office within the Coordination and Evaluation Service General Directorate of Rural Development - Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, having responsibilities in the coordination and implementation of the Evaluation Plan of the National Rural Development Program (NRDP) 2014 - 2020. Mioara Mărîi was project manager for the evaluation of the National Rural Development Program 2014 - 2020, which included 7 distinct evaluation studies that were conducted between 2017 and 2020. |
Name | Title | Biography |
Laura Trofin | PhD, Evaluation Expert, Managing Director of QURES Quality Research and Support | Mrs. Laura Trofin (PhD) is an expert in monitoring, evaluation and technical assistance, as well as management, in the following sectors: regional development, competitiveness, human resources development including employment, social inclusion and education, transport, European Territorial Cooperation, public administration reform and justice systems, strategic environmental assessment (SEA). Laura’s experience was gained in the last 18 years, in EU-wide projects (mainly related to Enlargement and Cohesion Policies of the EU or EIB loan programmes), in countries such as Turkey, Serbia, Albania, Hungary, Latvia, Italy, Romania, Cyprus. In their framework Laura Trofin carried out a wide range of studies, evaluations and M&E focused technical assistance services from ex-ante evaluations under the EU Cohesion Policy, interim and thematic evaluations in different policy settings (e.g. EIB, Swiss Contribution to the Enlarged European Union, EEA&Norway Grants to strategic, ex-post, impact evaluations, at national (Romania, Turkey, Serbia) and European level (Ex-post strategic evaluation of PHARE financial assistance, INTERREG III Ex-Post Evaluation). |